
Towards a Professional Sociology on China

Wu, Xiaogang, Chinese Journal of Sociology 1: 6-14 , 2015

Fertility Decline and Women’s Empowerment in China

Wu, Xiaogang, Hua Ye and Gloria He, Chinese Sociological Review 46(3): 3-25 , 2014

Ethnic Stratification amid China’s Economic Transition: Evidence from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Wu, Xiaogang and Xi Song, Social Science Research 44:158-172 , 2014

Redrawing the Boundary: Work Units and Social Stratification in Urban China

Wu, Xiaogang, Chinese Sociological Review 45(4): 6-28 , 2013

New Middle Class and the Rule of Law in China

Wu, Xiaogang and Jinghua Cheng, China Review 13 (1) Spring issue: 43-70 , 2013