Residential Segregation, Built Environment and Commuting Outcomes: Experience from Contemporary China Zhu, Pengyu & Songnian Zhao & Yanpeng Jiang, Transport Policy , 2021
Is compulsory home quarantine less effective than centralized quarantine in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak? Evidence from Hong Kong Zhu, Pengyu & Xinying Tan, Sustainable Cities and Society 74 (2021): 103222. , 2021
The role of high-speed rail and air travel in the spread of COVID-19 in China Zhu, Pengyu & Yuqing Guo, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. Volume 42,102097. , 2021
Shrinking cities, urban expansion, and air pollution in China: A spatial econometric analysis Qiang, W., Lin, Z., Zhu, P., Wu, K., & Lee, H. F., Journal of Cleaner Production, 129308. , 2021
Does High-Speed Rail Stimulate Urban Land Growth? Experience from China Zhu, Pengyu, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 98, September 2021, 102974. , 2021