
Household Registration in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (George Ritzer, ed.)

Wu, Xiaogang, 2017

The Growth of Chinese Professionals: A New Middle Class in the Making Pp 292-313 in Handbook of Class and Social Stratification in China edited by Yingjie Guo, Edward Elgar

Zhang, Zhuoni and Xiaogang Wu, 2015

Left-Behind Children: Who to Blame? China Policy Institute: Analysis

Wu, Xiaogang, 2015

Subjective Well-being of the Post-80s Generation in Hong Kong: Implications for Social and Political Stability Pp 311-338 in The Psychological Well-Being of East Asian Youth, Edited by Chin Chun YI, Springer

Ip, Joanne and Xiaogang Wu, 2012

Three Decades of Social Changes in China, 1978-2008 a chapter in Handbook of Contemporary China. Edited by Alvin So and William Tay, World Scientific.

Wu, Xiaogang, 2011