First Consultation Workshop

On October 24 and 25, 2009, the first consultation workshop for the Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics (HKPSSD) was held at the HKUST to consult professionals and scholars about the scope and conduct of this panel study from theoretical and practical perspectives. Participants from Hong Kong government, local universities and overseas, including Prof. Xiaogang WU, Prof. Yu XIE, Prof. Raymond WONG, Prof. James KUNG, Prof. Michelle YIK, Prof. Zeqi QIU, Prof. Juan CHEN, Prof. Anita KOO, Prof. Hongyu WANG, Prof. Tony TAM, Ms. Ruo-rong YU, Prof. Ly-yun CHANGE, Prof. Yuzhao LIU, Miss Trista LIM, Mr. Ka On Peter TSOI and the HKPSSD team members attended these two-day workshop. Presentations included brief introductions to panel studies of Hong Kong, U.S.A., Taiwan, and mainland China. Discussion topics covered sampling designs, questionnaire designs (item design and technical computer issues), survey operation, fieldwork management, quality control, and etc.


Posted by Chloe on Monday, October 26, 2009

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