Train-the-Trainer Program for the CAPI System
The train-the-trainer program for the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing System was held on Oct 29 and 30, 2010 at the HKUST. Fourteen colleagues attended the training program. The speakers Dr. Yan SUN and Dr. Hua Ding from Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University introduced the mechanism of the CAPI operation and shared their experienced in conducting the Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS), including research design of the panel study, operation definition for some essential concepts, interviewers training, quality control, and etc.
電腦輔助訪問系統(CAPI) 培訓師培訓計劃於2010年10月29至30日於香港科技大學舉行,為期1.5天。總共有14位同事參與此次培訓,來自北京大學中國社會科學調查中心的孫妍博士和丁華博士為我們詳細講解了CAPI的操作和原理,同時分享《中國家庭動態跟蹤調查》的寶貴經歷和心得,包括研究設計、訪問員的培訓和數據質量控制等等。
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