Hong Kong Panel Study of Social Dynamics: Completion of Interviewers' Training

The first training session was carried out during 28 and 30 March 2011. The three-day workshop training was held by our director Prof. Wu Xiaogang, our researchers and staff. There were total 20 interviewers participating in this training. The training included the study’s objective, definition and explanation of questionnaire, operation and practice of CAPI system, etc. Each interviewer was given an assessment at the last day of training to ensure the interviewing skills and the CAPI system application of interviewers achieving our standard. Last but not least, we gave each interviewer feedbacks and comments, so they could do their best and our study could succeed.

Soon after the training is the commencement of the first wave survey of the panel study, which is the first-ever household panel study in Hong Kong. We are hoping to collect information from 3,500 households with 10,000 individuals including their basic information, family structure, housing information, household finance, education background, job and career and psychological states. These data could help tracking social and economic changes in Hong Kong and their impacts on individuals. Survey results would contribute to the government’s policy making and thus improve the well-being of Hong Kong citizens.

We expect all the interviews to be completed by the year end. During the survey period, our interviewers will carry identification documents issued by HKUST when visiting sample addresses and will conduct face-to-face interviews with households. We would very much appreciate the support and cooperation of all selected households and individuals.
We are more than happy to answer all your enquiries concerning HKPSSD and the identity of our interviewers via our hotline at 2358 5875.




我們很樂意為大家解答任何有關香港社會動態追蹤調查的疑問及識別訪問員身份的查詢,歡迎致電2358 5875。

Posted by Yannes on Thursday, April 07, 2011

Release Date