Center for Applied Economic Social and Environmental Research (CAESER), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Division of Public Policy, HKUST
Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, HKUST
International Association for Low-Attitude Economy Technology and Industrial Development
Shenzhen Doctors and Experts Association for Emerging Strategic Industry (SDEA)
Shenzhen Tianquan Zhi Fei Holdings Limited Partnership
November 15, 2024
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Official Website:
To accelerate a sustainable development of the aviation sector and related industries, the Center for Applied Economic, Social and Environmental Research (CAESER) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) hosted the second annual International Aviation Technology and Business Conference on HKUST campus.
This year, the conference is focused on the theme of Low Altitude Economy (LAE), which encompasses the so-called Urban Air Mobility (UAM); LAE and UAM constitute the next big revolution for the aviation sector, a revolution which will ultimately lead the science-fiction fantasy of “flying cars” turning into reality. The conference constituted a unique and pivotal concertation platform, fostering the dialogue among all key stakeholders concerned by this emerging industry and related businesses; By promoting exchanges among representatives from the industry, government, and academia, the conference helps figuring out how LAE and UAM could benefit Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, and vice versa.
On the mainland side, the conference attracted the participation of a government delegation from Guangzhou, Guangzhou EHang Intelligent Technology, a team of professors from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and the Vice President and a number of Associate Deans from Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. On the Hong Kong side, a number of local companies also participated, including the Hong Kong Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), CLP China (CLP), ADPI, Egis, and others.
During the conference, Mr. Jiang Yutao, President of EHang, firstly delivered a speech entitled “Urban Air Transportation Promoting the High Quality Development of Low Altitude Economy”. Afterwards, Mr. Xie Jing, Minister of Investment Promotion of Nanjing Shengxiong Science and Technology Island Economic Development Zone Management Committee, delivered a speech on the cultivation of low-altitude economy industry. The guests started a roundtable discussion on the development and application scenarios of international low-altitude economy and the ecological construction and management of urban low-altitude transportation, and actively expressed their opinions.
Yutao JIANG: Vice President at Guangzhou EHang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Jing XIE: Director of Investment Promotion Department, Administrative Committee of Nanjing Ecological Technology Island Economic Development Zone

Roundtable Thematic Session: International Low-altitude economy: development and application scenarios
Prof. Xiaotong Sun, from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ)
Helena CHYTILOVA, Associate Professor in Economics at Prague University of Economics and Business.
Saraansh Dave, Director of eMobility for CLP Power Hong Kong.
Cheung Ting Pong, Barry, President, The Low Altitude Economy Association Of Hong Kong, China
YIM Mung-Fei, Deputy Head of Commercial & Head of Tendering, for Asia Pacific at Paris Airport Engineering
Yanpeng Sun, Vice President of Shenyang Aerospace University.