Book Chapters
Three Decades of Social Changes in China, 1978-2008 a chapter in Handbook of Contemporary China. Edited by Alvin So and William Tay, World Scientific. Wu, Xiaogang, 2011 |
Inequality and Equity in Income Distribution: Hong Kong and Mainland China in Comparative Perspective Pp. 277-311 in Hong Kong Divided: Structures of Social Inequality in the Twentieth-First Century edited by Stephen Chiu and SL Wong. Hong Kong Institute Xiaogang Wu, 2010 |
Trends in Educational Stratification in China, 1981-2006 Pp 335-360 in Inequality beyond Globalization, edited by Christian Suter, volume of World Society Studies, Transaction Publishers. Mancan Guo & Xiaogang Wu, 2010 |
Introduction The China Society Yearbook (Volume 3) [An English Translation of Abridged Bluebook of Chinese Society 2008], edited by Matt Kawecki, Brill, Leiden, the Netherlands. Xiaogang Wu, 2009 |
Household Registration, Social Exclusion, and Rural Migrants in Chinese Cities Pp 29-54 in Socialist China, Capitalist China: Social-Political Conflicts under Globalization, edited by Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne, Routledge. Xiaogang Wu, 2009 |