Regional Science and Complex Systems: A Five-year Research Plan on Transportation, Land Use, Labor, and Innovation Systems
- Start Time:2024/01
- Expected Completion time:2029/12
- Research funding: RGC - Research Fellow Scheme
- Leading researchers:Professor ZHU Pengyu
Work Plan for 2024/25
- Estimate the causal effects of HSR network on land price through a newly designed methodology that integrates machine learning models, a time-varying instrumental variable approach, and differences-in-differences (DID) regression, to more robustly address the endogeneity associated with HSR route planning and station selection.
- Investigate the spatial nonlinearity in the impact of HSR network on land price; examine the temporal nonlinearity in the impact of HSR network on land price.
- Reveal the heterogeneity in these impacts among different land supply patterns, land use types, and city tiers.
- Estimate HSR station’s spillover impacts on land prices in surrounding cities without HSR stations.