Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Cooperation in the Greater Bay Area Conference

The Center for Applied Economic Social and Environmental Research (CAESER) at HKUST successfully hosted an insightful conference on January 29, 2024, focusing on "Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Cooperation in the Greater Bay Area: the Outlooks and Perspectives of Hong Kong's Leading Role." This significant event brought together experts and industry leaders to discuss Hong Kong's potential and strategic approaches to spearheading sustainable development and humanitarian efforts in the Greater Bay Area.

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Conference Highlights

The theme of the conference was timely and critical, reflecting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and addressing challenges such as poverty, hunger, public health crises, and inequality. The Greater Bay Area has showcased remarkable economic strides, surpassing an output of 13 trillion yuan in 2023, and the launch of the "2023 Global Innovation Index" has positioned the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou metropolitan area as a key player in global technological innovation and transfer.

The conference commenced with inspiring opening remarks from Prof. Stuart GIETEL-BASTEN, the Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Science, and Prof. Naubarhar SHARIF, the Acting head of Division of Public Policy, who emphasized the historic opportunity for Hong Kong to further its leadership in sustainable development and humanitarian aid, given its robust economic growth and strategic location.

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The conference invited the CEO from the Dubai International Humanitarian City, the world’s largest humanitarian aid logistics center, which was established in 2003 under the initiative of the Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. Dubai International Humanitarian City hosts an array of United Nations agencies, such as the World Health Organization, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and the UN Refugee Agency, along with several non-governmental and commercial organizations, maintaining reserves and emergency assistance facilities. Notable guests included Giuseppe SaBa, the Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of Dubai International Humanitarian City, Mr. Marwan Ahmed Behzad, the head of Member Services and Partnerships, and Khalid Abdulla Alawadhi, the Director of Partnership & Membership. The notable guest, Mr. Giuseppe SaBa, CEO of the Dubai International Humanitarian City (DIHC), who shared valuable insights on creating a successful humanitarian logistics hub. His presentation shed light on the importance of collaboration and innovation in humanitarian work, drawing from DIHC's experience with various UN agencies and NGOs. SaBa's experience provided a practical framework that could be adopted and adapted by Hong Kong.


Prof. Braven Zhang followed with an engaging introduction to the Greater Bay Area's vision as an international humanitarian hub. His talk outlined the potential roles and contributions Hong Kong could make, emphasizing its geographical advantage and established international exchange foundations.

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Dr. Yi from PPOL then introduced the CAESER's research work on international humanitarianism, showcasing the academic rigor and dedication to aligning research with practical humanitarian efforts in the region. Prof. Zhu, the Director of CAESER, gave an impressive exposition on the synergy between the Digital Economy and Urban Development in Hong Kong, and how these could empower international humanitarianism. His presentation pointed toward innovative ways through which technology could be harnessed to enhance humanitarian aid and response.

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Additionally, we are honored to have Mr. Jianhui CHEN, the President of the Association for International Soft Law Promotion, who gave a talk on the Red Cross and Humanitarian outlooks and prospectives. Ms. Lili Qiu, the Founder and President of Peaceland Foundation also shares the perspectives and outlooks of the sustainable development and humanitarian approach in the Greater Bay Area. Ms. Alice LING, the Director of Hong Kong Red Cross Society and her colleagues also shared thoughts on the topic. The conference, hosted by the prestigious HKUST, the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Division of Public Policy, and CAESER, along with the Hong Kong Red Cross and Peaceland Foundation, was a resounding success. It not only provided a comprehensive overview of the current landscape but also charted a forward-looking path for Hong Kong's role in sustainable development and humanitarian cooperation in the Greater Bay Area.


The dialogue initiated here promises to be the first of many steps towards a concerted effort in making Hong Kong a beacon for international humanitarianism. The discussions and insights from this event have set a solid groundwork for future initiatives and collaborations aimed at creating a more sustainable and responsive humanitarian ecosystem in the region.


Joint Hosts

HKUST, Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies

HKUST, Division of Public Policy

HKUST, Center for Applied Economic Social and Environmental Research (CAESER)

Hong Kong Red Cross

Peaceland Foundation


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Release Date